System Requirements
Component | Requirements |
Server Configuration | Minimum: 1 CPU core, 2GB RAM; Recommended: 2 CPU cores, 4GB RAM |
MySQL | 5.7 and above (Recommended: MySQL 8) |
Redis | 6 and above |
NGINX/Apache | Any version |
Configuration File Description
1. Configuration File Path
The default path for the configuration file is: ./etc/ppanel.yaml
, which can be specified using the startup parameter --config
2. Configuration File Format
- The configuration file is in YAML format, supports comments, and should be named xxx.yaml.
# Configuration file example
Host: # Service listening address, default:
Port: # Service listening port, default: 8080
Debug: # Whether to enable debug mode, cannot use backend logging feature when enabled, default: false
JwtAuth: # JWT authentication configuration
AccessSecret: # Access token secret, default: randomly generated
AccessExpire: # Access token expiration time, in seconds, default: 604800
Logger: # Logging configuration
FilePath: # Log file path, default: ./ppanel.log
MaxSize: # Maximum log file size, in MB, default: 50
MaxBackup: # Maximum number of log file backups, default: 3
MaxAge: # Maximum log file retention time, in days, default: 30
Compress: # Whether to compress log files, default: true
Level: # Log level, default: info, options: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal
Addr: # MySQL address, required
Username: # MySQL username, required
Password: # MySQL password, required
Dbname: # MySQL database name, required
Config: # MySQL configuration default values charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true&loc=Asia%2FShanghai
MaxIdleConns: # Maximum idle connections, default: 10
MaxOpenConns: # Maximum open connections, default: 100
LogMode: # Log level, default: info, options: debug, error, warn, info
LogZap: # Whether to use zap for SQL logging, default: true
SlowThreshold: # Slow query threshold, in milliseconds, default: 1000
Host: # Redis address, default: localhost:6379
Pass: # Redis password, default: ""
DB: # Redis database, default: 0
Email: # Backend login email, default: [email protected]
Password: # Backend login password, default: password
3. Environment Variables
The supported environment variables are as follows:
Environment Variable | Configuration Item | Example |
PPANEL_DB | MySQL Configuration | root:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/vpnboard |
PPANEL_REDIS | Redis Configuration | redis://localhost:6379 |