DOCSServer SideDocker Deployment

Installing Docker

Run the following command to quickly install Docker:

curl -fsSL | bash -s docker

Quick Start

Initialization via Web Interface

PPanel supports web-based initialization, simplifying the manual configuration process.

Initialization Steps

  1. Create the necessary configuration file: First, manually create and configure the /app/etc/ppanel.yaml file for subsequent configuration.

  2. Run the Docker container:

    docker run -d \
      --network host \
      --name ppanel-server \
      -v /app/etc/ppanel.yaml:/app/etc/ppanel.yaml \
      --restart=always \
      --log-opt max-size=10m \
      --log-opt max-file=3 \
  3. Access the initialization page: Open your browser and go to http://serverIP:8080/init.

  4. Complete the configuration: Follow the prompts to set up the admin account, configure the MySQL database, and the Redis server.

  5. Click the initialize button: After completing the configuration, click the “Initialize” button. The application will automatically save the configuration and restart.

    Note: PPanel uses port 8080 by default. Please ensure this port is accessible and adjust firewall settings if necessary.

Deploying with Docker

PPanel uses port 8080 by default. Please ensure this port is accessible and adjust firewall settings if necessary.

If you do not use web initialization, you can log in with the default admin account:

Note: Please change the default password promptly after your first login to ensure security.

Create the Necessary Configuration File

Before starting the Docker deployment, manually create and configure /app/etc/ppanel.yaml to ensure the system runs smoothly. For detailed configuration examples, please refer to the Configuration Examples section of the documentation.

Run the Docker Container

Run the following command to start the container:

docker run -d \
  --network host \
  --name ppanel-server \
  -v /app/etc/ppanel.yaml:/app/etc/ppanel.yaml \
  --restart=always \
  --log-opt max-size=10m \
  --log-opt max-file=3 \

Deploying with Docker Compose

PPanel uses port 8080 by default. Please ensure this port is accessible and adjust firewall settings if necessary.

Create the Necessary Configuration File

Before starting the Docker Compose deployment, manually create and configure /app/etc/ppanel.yaml to ensure the system runs smoothly. For detailed configuration examples, please refer to the Configuration Examples section of the documentation.

Create the Docker Compose Configuration File

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'
    image: ppanel/ppanel-server:beta
    container_name: ppanel-server
    network_mode: host
      - /app/etc/ppanel.yaml:/app/etc/ppanel.yaml
    restart: always
      driver: 'json-file'
        max-size: '10m'
        max-file: '3'

Start the Service

Run the following command to start the service:

docker compose up -d

Important Notes

  • Security: Be sure to change the default password and keys to ensure application security.
  • Port Configuration: Ensure that necessary ports are open to avoid network access issues.
  • Data Persistence: It is recommended to mount data volumes when running containers to achieve data persistence.

Configuration Examples

Here is an example configuration for ppanel.yaml:

Host: # Listening IP
Port: 8080 # Running port
Debug: true # Enable debug mode
  AccessSecret: your-secret-key # Token secret (please modify)
  AccessExpire: 604800 # Token expiration (seconds)
  FilePath: ./ppanel.log # Log file path
  MaxSize: 50
  MaxBackup: 3
  MaxAge: 30
  Compress: true
  LogType: json
  Level: info # Log level: info, debug, error
  Addr: # Database address
  Dbname: vpnboard # Database name
  Username: root # Database username
  Password: your-password # Database password (please modify)
  Config: charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true&loc=Asia%2FShanghai
  MaxIdleConns: 10
  MaxOpenConns: 10
  LogMode: dev
  LogZap: false
  SlowThreshold: 1000
  Pass: # Redis password (if any)
  DB: 0
  Password: password # Admin password (should be changed)
  Email: [email protected] # Admin email address

Note: After modifying the configuration file, please restart the Docker container to apply the changes.